Conversions to Judaism

Conversion to Judaism Procedure
I work one-on-one towards Judaism or in a group setting. My schedule is somewhat flexible and I can usually work around yours. The course is comprised of approximately 40 hours of homework and regular face-to-face meetings, if you are here in ;the Dominican Republic. If you live outside the Dominican Republic, we can "meet" on Skype. At the end of the Conversion to Judaism course, the conversion ceremony takes place at a Mikvah, or if you are here in the Dominican Republic, we can do it at the beach! What a beautiful way to graduate!Conversion Requirements
Reading and engaging with materials and asking questions of the Rabbi. I supply all needed materials for the course. You will learn the following topics:- Family unity and family purity
- Birth, Bar/Bat Mitzvah rituals and laws
- The Jewish calendar and holidays along with their meanings
- Laws of Shabbat
- Learning the prayers for different foods
- Israel
- Ethical eating VS Kosher foods
- Laws of mourning
- Laws of marriage
You Touched Us
Shalom Rabbi Ancel, your words
really touch our hearts and make us cry. We certainly feel very special because you are helping
us with such lack of monetary interest even when you spend so much time preparing the lessons.
You are a real "more" of Hashem. We pray Hashem for you to be healthy and happy for many, many
years! Thanks so much for being our friend!!
E. and L.